Celebrating the Summer Solstice
How are you spending the longest day of the year? The endless daylight is a blank canvas for you to get creative – pack it to the brim, slow down and soak it all in, or take the time try something new.
However you choose to celebrate the Summer Solstice this weekend, we hope it includes sharing some time outside with your furry best friend.
Need some inspiration?
Ruffwear Product Designer Monica and sidekicks Giles and Alta have a solstice tradition that we think honors the spirit of the day perfectly.

What are you and the dogs planning for this year?
We always try to celebrate both the sunrise and sunset on the summer solstice. This year, we're going to hike out for some sunrise fetch, then head to Paulina Lake for a sunset swim and soak in the hot springs.
Favorite thing about Summer Solstice?
Definitely the amount of daylight! Being able to work a full day and still squeeze in a good 5 hours of time outside afterward is something I try not to take for granted. With Solstice on a weekend this year, that means even more time outside.

When and why did you start this tradition?
I've made a point for the last 3 or 4 years to get outside to watch both the sunrise and sunset on the solstice, but activity and location have varied.
It takes very little to convince me a celebration is in order, and it seems like there is no better way to celebrate the solstice than to soak in every bit of sunshine you can.

What gear are you and the dogs packing?
Alta and Giles will be in Flagline™ Harnesses, and I will use Patroller™ Leashes for them. In the evening I will also bring a Pacific Ring™ for them to play with, plus a Powder Hound™ Jacket for each of them for when it gets chilly.
And snacks?
Breakfast burritos and a thermos of coffee for the humans, treats and water for the pups. In the evening, we will probably pick up dinner on the way out of town.

Have any pro tips for planning the solstice in COVID times?
COVID has changed the way we plan things. When we're headed out for an adventure, we try to have a couple of backup plans in case there are other people around, or there is an unexpected closure. So, it's hard to say where we will end up, but that's part of the fun.

Do you and your dog have plans for the solstice? Let us know in the comments below or on social @ruffwear with the tags #MyDogIsMy #SolsticeSidekick.